Thursday, June 23, 2005

The mystery of 'Cinderella' and 'Sleeping Beauty'

Once upon a time there was fairly pretty girl named Milicent. Milicent was kind, and had dyded pink hair and clear blue eyes. One night Milicent realized her Daddy was going to marry the next morning.
The woman he was going to marry was a mean, beautiful woman named Abigail. She had two beautiful, mean daughters named Georgina and Yvonne.
A few nights after the marriage, Millicent went into her Dad's room and found him lying on the floor, dead.
Upon closer inspection, Millicent saw Abigail's gold necklace on the floor. She also found Yvonne's long length of string on the bed.
It turned out that her Dad had been strangled.
When she walked down the stairs to Yvonne and Gorgina and Abigail, their actions were immidiate after Millicent told them that there had been a tragic accident upstairs.
Abigail turned pale, Gorgina dropped her cup of coffee, and Yvonne asked how Millicent's dad had been killed.

Who killed Millicent's Dad?

Sleeping Beauty
Once their was a King and Queen who had a pretty baby girl. They named their girl Mrose, a 'greek' word for different.
Then the King and Queen invited all the 12 fairies to dinner.
Unfortunately, their Royal Highnesses had forgotten about the 13th fairy.
All thirteen fairies came to the party and gave their gifts.
"I will give this girl the abilty to change into any animal at will." said Mary.
"I will give her the gift of never getting false teeth," said the tooth fairy.
Said Laura "She shall never, ever, get very, very hairy."
Said the midsummer eve fairy "Her love for summer shall never vary."
The other fairies gave gift of jewels, spinning spools, mules, schools, dogs, hogs, pogs, and bogs.
Then fairy 13 stepped forward and said,
"A hunter shall find her and strike her dead.
One of these girls gifts shall assist her death."
And so, with that, the fairy left.

Whose gift will kill Mrose?

Yvonne kiiled Millicent's Dad Ron. If she had not killed Ron, she would not have known that the tragic accident was centered around the death of Ron.

Mary's gift will kill Mrose. Since a hunter will kill Mrose, it is likely that she will turn into a deer at the time of her death.

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