Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Goat Family and Goat Kids

We have new kids! Myrtle, Sugar and Cygnus have all kidded. Cygnus gave birth to a black little buckling that I really like. Myrtle kidded a few days after her daught Cygnus. She has a white buckling and a brown doeling. Sugar kidded yesterday and now has a brown doeling.
Onyx had a doeling and a buckling but the doeling died from starvation. (Probably.)
Our goats have reached a pooint where it is hard to find if one goat is a aunt or a grandma to a different goat. These are some of the more straightforward relations. (I simply refuse to dod all the relations; it'd probably take a year, judging to the fact we have 26 goats... I think.)
To start the relations, Onyx is Patches' half-sister. Onyx is Patrae, dead Picas, Sugar, Spice, Pepper and Hermes' aunt. She is Sugar's kid's great aunt. Onyx is Calla, Capri, her dead buckling, Cypress, Pegesus, and her new buckling and dead doeling's mother. Onyx is Myrtle, Petal, Kettle, and Calla's doeling and buckling's grandmother. Onyx is Cygnus, Pluto, and Myrtle's doeling and buckling's great-grandmother.
Patches is Sugar kid's grandmother and she is also Myrtle's grandmother. Patrae is Myrtle's dad.
Delos is father of Calla, Capri, Cypress, Pegesus and Onyx's this year kids. Delos also sired Petal, Kettle, Sugar, Spice, Pepper, Carmel, and a lot others.
These relations are figuratively giving me an awful headache. Here is the craziest crazy relation. It's so crazy I don't know if it's correct.
I think that Hermes might be Myrtle's grandfather or Myrtle's great-uncle. Hermes probably isn't either of those, since he is younger that Myrtle.
Goat relations are CRAZY!!!!!!!!! I can hardly stand them!!!!! This is the last one: Delos is Myrtle's grandfather and Delos is Myrtle's other grandfather too. By the way, Calla is Myrtle's mother.

Goodbye, Goat Relations

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