These exerpts are from a book called GAMES YOU CAN PLAY WITH YOUR PUSSY. It is really funny. Here are my favorite parts:
Pussy poo-poo is the most unpleasant thing about having a pussy. It goes in as tuna and cream, but it comes out as something that's responsible for a lot of air freshener being sold.
But poo-poo is one of those unpleasant facts of life, like taxes and leisure suits, so you're just going to have to learn to deal with it.
Dealing with it: One thing about cats. They are creatures of habit. If a cat makes a poo-poo in a corner once, it will make poo-poos there for the rest of it's life. So make sure your pussy starts poo-pooing where you want it to poo-poo, and not, say, in your loafers. Otherwise, you will spend a lot of time washing your socks.
Now, once your pussy starts too poo-poo, you'll want to put something under it to poo-poo in. Which brings us to...
The litter box: Litter boxes come in two sizes. Too small and too large. The ones that are too small force your pussy to make poo-poo and wee-wee over the sides of the box, thereby negating the box's worth. The ones that are too large look empty unless they have 25 pounds of litter in them, thereby making your litter bill equivilent to your weekly food bill.
Littter boxes are made from three materials: plastic, which costs a whole lot more than you can imagine; cardboard, which sags when it get wet; and foil, which pussies like to rip up so any excess fluids can escape. None solve the worse problem of the smell.
The smell: There is nothing you can do about the smell. You can put baking soda in the litter if you want to find little white pussy tracks all over your house. You can try to build an enclosure over the top of the litter box and thereby release all the smell at once every time you change the litter. You can even try putting perfume in your pussy's food. It won't work either. Just resign yourself to the fact that you can never have guests in your home again.
When to change the litter: Since you yourself will have long lost your own sense of smell, you should look for indications for when it's time to change the litter. Are insects dropping from the air? Is your pussy spnding a lot of time with it's legs crossed because it's to disgusted to go in there? Have they tacked a "quarantined" sign to the side of your house?
Alternitives: Teach your pussy to use the toilet. You use the toilet at the gas station.
Have your pussy surgically altered so it never makes poo-poo, then watch it blow up like a balloon.
PUSSY GIVES YOU A GIFTWhat pussy owner has never recieved a gift from his pussy? Like a dead moth or a gnarled flower. Or a half-eaten mouse. Or the stuffing from your favorite chair.
Perhaps you never considered these things to be gifts, just pussy yucch. But think for a moment. When a pussy wants to express feelings of affection for it's owner, it can't whip out a Mastercharge and run down to Saks. It must rely on the resources of its own cunning. So a dead mouse on your doorstep saysm "I love you." Unless you have a Sicilian pussy. Then it means, "Say you prayers, fetticini fact."
In truth, most people are puzzled by pussy gifts. They don't know what to make of them.
Here is a list of things your pussy is likely to bring you and what they mean.
A dead mouse- 1. I love you. 2. I hope you find this in the morning after a greasy breakfast cause I love to watch you throw up.
A dead bird- 1. Catching a bird is a feat of great prowess. I did it for you because I love you. 2. I found this in the street. Throw it away, will you, old man? The smell is making me nauseous.
Stuffing from your favorite chair- 1. I opened a new present for you. And there's more from where that came from. I love you. 2. Look what I found. I tried to put it back, but I couldn't. Why don't you stuff it?
A dead dog- 1. I am mighty and will protect you from intruders. I love you. 2. I fixed old Bowser's ass. And I can fix your's, too. Remember that the next time you're to tired to get up and let me out in the middle of the night.
A dead mailman- 1. Whoops. 2. Whoops.
Street shoes are okay, but many prefer to play wearing hush-puppies. Of course, considering the object of the game, your pussy may prefer not to play at all.