Tuesday, August 23, 2005


The crazy column. A place for crazies.

All right, now what should I have for a topic? This is a question that requires lots of thinking and always ends up in some boring list. I have come to one great idea. Why not right a topic on what to write for a topic? In this blog you'll read entertaining lists, humorous snippets from stories, and much more. And, since today and Tuesday are my last scheduled blog days, (read my blog entitled Public School to find out why), today and Tuesday will have extra colorful sentences. Now, down to the topic. What should I write down? I'm oviously writing something right now, DUH. But should I write about geese, or my brother, public school, books, this afternoon, tomorrow morning, or what? I'll start by writing down a list of ideas. Is this color killing your eyes? Good. It is mine too. Heh heh. Good way to get glasses early, don't you think? Now, down to business. (Seems like I can't do that today, don't you think?) ANYWAY, HERE'S MY STUPID LIST. DO YOU THINK I SHOULD CALL IT STUPID?
Here's my list. Can you read that? Anyway, here's my list.
You know, a bit of relaxing writing. Like this: hi my friend. how r u? Yes, i'm sayuing this 2 u 4 reel. weel probublee c eech uthr at de libraree 2da. ur frend keely. p.s. iz thiz killing ur izs? it iz mine. it iz jasonz.
Junk food is very bad for you. It detiriorates your brain and gives you alztimers. It clogs up your arteriest.
Tomorrow is going to be the coolest day of my life. (Maybe.) It's on my birthday. It's my first day of public school. It's anyother day.

Okay, there's my list. It's probably boring, but it's colorful. Now, you are about to learn why Jason is so stupid. It's like this. (The story.)
Jason was born on his head. His parents fed him dog food that had canary droppings in it once he could eat. That's about all to the story.
All right, now I'm going to talk about stupid cartoon shows. Shows like Ed, Ed, n, Eddy, Mucha Lucha, and other brain fermentors.
Ed, Ed, n, Eddy is so stupid. Little people walking around in little hats, eating live fishes, and making crummy inventions. Mucha Lucha is idiodic. Little boys walking around punching each other. I can only say dumb with with Hamtaro. If you're rude and gore than say Hamtaro H a m f a r t o.
Now, here's an example of really bad spelling. madulin sat down. She wuz uh ugly gerl and she wuz studeeing the moovmunts ov plootoe. She had the craezeeust perpul izs.
There's the example of really bad spelling. Bad, don't you think? Now, here's a story for crazy people. (It's crazy.)


Mr. Man walked around the manhole, thinking to himself. She was really tired of walking over the manhole, but she couldn't stop. Mr. Man saw a car coming closer to the manhole. After the car went safely through him, he decided to turn herself into a ghost. Just then the planet Saturn walked up. He looked unhappy. He tolt Mr Man that he had lost his best ring. Mr Man promised that he would find the Martian. Then neptunne said that he really appriciated Mr. Man finding his doorbell. Then pluto said hi. Then there was a bang and gunfire and Mr. Man was scattered all over the earth. Mr. Man got up and put his head back on. Mr. Man jumped up to the moon. Mr. Moon was asleep. Mr. Man jumped to the andromeda galaxy. He landed on the hottest, gaseous star he could find and then he played tag with all the pirana beetles he found there. Then it was time to go home. Mr. Man jumped on a comet and when the comet crashed in New York City he played with all the living, squashed, bruised people the comet had hit. Then Mr. Man grabbed ths slowest dinosaur in the sale barn that he could find. The dinosaur took him home to China and two minutes later Mr. Man was playing computer games on his holographic 10000 bit computer. K. O.

Now this story is a sleeping story. Enjoy.
Once there was a man that said hi. Then he told a story like this:
Once there was a man that said hi. Then he told a story like this: Once there was a man that said hi. Then he told a story like this: Once there was a man that said hi. Then he told a story like this: Once there was a man that said hi. Then he told a story like this: Once there was a man that said hi. Then he told a story like this: Once there was a man that said hi. Then he told a story like this: Once there was a man that said hi. Then he told a story like this: Once there was a man that said hi. Then he told a story like this: Once there was a man that said hi. Then he told a story like this: Until lions gobbled him up.

Tomorrow is my birthday and I start public school YEAH! Goodby, who knows when I'll write on this blog next. Check every month, okay?

Anyway, for you people who have brains instead of kidney beans, here's our family news: We moved to Mars two months ago. The martians are really friendly. They took us to Pluto for tea. Here's a poem:

Once there was a girl named Lizzy Jane,
Who had quite a lot of brain,
There was one subject,
Which she happened hate,
When the spelling teacher taught the students how to spell 'talk,'
Lizzy Jane would wish she could take a walk,
Once spelling even gave her the flu,
And her mom had to feed her an awful brew,
So read this closely and take heed,
Spelling is something you DO NOT need.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Jason in the song

This is a very fitting song about the behaivior of Jason.
Oh, Jason was a very stupid old man,
He didn't have the brain to open a can,
All he said was blab, blab, blab,
Oh, the case of him is very sad.

Oh, pick up your guitars and sing,
Of the case of the boy and the brain that went ding.
Jason, Jason, the tale is true,
And very sad for you.

Jason was very dumb,
He still sucked his thumb,
He always went tattle, tattle, tattle,
And his mouth always went rattle.

Oh, pick up your guitars and sing,
Of the case of the boy and the brain that went ding.
Jason, Jason, the tale is true,
And very sad for you.

Jason was so stupid and dumb,
He was a filthy, sucky ol' bum,
He fell down a cliff and broke his head,
And then Mr. Jason was struck out dead.

Oh, pick up your guitars and sing,
Of the case of the boy and the brain that went ding.
Jason, Jason, the tale is true,
And very sad for you.

Jason, Jason, the story is done,
He didn't know how to handle a gun.
The people at the fun'ral said how brave was he,
When really Jay couldn't battle a flea.

Oh, pick up your guitars and sing,
Of the case of the boy and the brain that went ding.
Jason, Jason, the tale is true,
And very sad for you.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Why the last three days have been misery for me

By now you are wondering WHAT is the matter with me. Well, to give you the truth, I'll tell you the truth. (That's a bit of a duh, don't you think?) Anyway, I have had a cold since Saturday.
First day of cold-really sore throat
Second day of cold-really sore throat
Third day of cold-very faint sore throat, really runny nose, slight cough, slight headache
Fourth day of cold-very faint sore throat, really runny nose, slight cough, slight headache
Cough cough, anyway, I'm feeling rotten, and I think that I probably won't feel really gung ho tomorrow. IF I AM SICK ON FRIDAY I AM GOING TO PULL MY HAIR OUT!!!!!!
If you know my e-mail adress, please sympasize with me.

Keely's August 13th through August 20th planner
August 13th- get sick
August 14th-stay sick
August 15th-go into town and stay sick
August 16th-stay sick, go into town, and do school
August 17th-stay sick, play with friend, or do nothing
August 18th-recover from cold and do school
August 19th- go into town
August 20th- do something fun, like play with friend


Public School

It turns out that I am going to be going to public school this fall. I will be going to Sheridan Junior High. I will also be doing 6th grade.
The school starts on August 24th which, incidentaly, just so happens to be my birthday. On Wednesday I went into town to do these placement tests with my counselor, Mrs. Emery. The principal for this school is Scott Stults.
This school is brand new. I read in the newspaper several days ago that the construction of this school costed $15 MILLION DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dad filled out most of the regristration forms for me-I had to sign my name-but we're going to finish them on Friday the 19th, the day of the orientation for the school.
I'm going to be able to choose two courses for myself. I've already chosen them and they are going to be P.E. and Choir.
Yesterday I went into town to get clothing and shoes for school. That was the most horrible day in August for me, and you will see why if you look at the blog entitled 'Why the last few days have been misery for me'.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Movie character crosses

Kangaroo Jack + Darth Vader = Kangarth Jader
Count Dooku + Willy Wonka =Wount Donka
Charlie Bucket + Harry Potter=Cherry Pucket
Pocahontas +Albus Dumbledore= Palbus Docahondore

Kangaroo Jack means 'Kang a roo Jack'
Darth Vader means 'Dar The Vader'
Count Dooku means 'count Dook, u'
Willy Wonka means 'will ye wonk uh?'
Charlie Bucket means 'Char lee bucket'
Harry Potter means 'Herr Y. Pot Ter
Pocahontas means 'Poke a hontas'
Albus Dumbledore means 'Al Busdum Bled door'

Keely's August Calender

August 8th- Calla's doeling gets butchered.

August 19th- Full moon.

August 24th- MY BIRTHDAY!!

August 31st- End of month.

August 9th 2005 for Virgos-
You are going to be dead bored, have a headache, and do something one hour earlier.

Joke for August 9th 2005-
What do you get if you cross Star Wars with a toad?
Star Warts!

The code of Dung Beetle

Dung Beetle sat back in the musty chair he had found in the grimy room. He sighed. His first days of being King were not doing very well.
"King Dungbeetle,"Buggin said, hurrying in to the room."Lord Blueberry is here."
"Bring him in." said Dungbeetle.
"How is the war progressing, Blueberry?" Dungbeetle asked.
"Not very well, your Lordship."Blueberry said." I mean, we've shot 15 more cars in the last week, but that's about it."
"I see."
"I was thinking that we should make a code or two and then mail all the badcars about what to do next."
"That's a REALLY dopey idea, Blueberry. How would other cars know it? Still I'll make a code. No, you won't. I will."

Baddy mail was driving quickly through the dark streets of Badside . He nearly got to Shev's house when he ran into 7 goodcars, all armed with loaded heat seaking missle launchers.
"I'm o-on a diplomatic mission."Baddy Mail shrieked,"don't hurt me! Hurt DungBeetle! Let me go! I didn't do anythi-"
"Shut up."Moon said sharply." Yellow, Evergreen, empty him of luggage. The rest of you, hold your guns at firing point."
Half an hour later, Baddy Mail decided he was having the worse time of his life. He was hanging in Beeper's dirtiest, grimiest dungeon cell by his exhaust pipe and every once in a while a goodcar would come in to throw some rotten food at his face. If the goodcar missed, somebody else would try later.

Skeeper sat on Beeper's throne and read Baddy Mail's letter to Bop.
"It says 'Deer Shev, I feel lik it's definitlee opposit da. The badcars hav wun the war and that's good, don't u think? I don't want u 2 gather up our huge forces and drive the last badcars owt. don't meet at the goodcar pineneddle stor toda. Do u no how minee wepuns weev got. it's not ur folt. thank u, king dung beetle bug."'
"I'm thinking all that means the opposite. It'd be,'Dear Shev, I feel like it's definitely opposite day. The goodcars have won the war and that's bad, don't you think? I want you to gather up our small forces and drive the first goodcars out. Meet at the badcar wood store tonight. Do you know how many weapons we've got? It's you fault. No thank you, King Dung Beetle Bug.'"
"Ahhhhhh," said Bop.

Dungbeetle put a movie into a battered TV. It was called Muscle-car.
"Uma uh uma uh," the guy in the movie said." Asha pa no ima uma uma uh uh."
Dungbeetle found the movie enticing. He chanted the words to himself. Uma uh uma uh asha pa no ima uma uma uh uh. Uma uh uma uh asha pa no ima uma uma uh uh. Uma uh um-
"Dungbeetle, the goodcars are entering this building. Come on."
"I'm king. Come on. Uma uh uma uh asha pa no ima uma uma uh uh. "Dungbeetle yelled.
to be continued...

Ideas for what to be on Halloween

Hmm... this is a bit early to be thinking about halloween costumes, but better now than never. (Besides, this is one of the only interesting topics I can think about putting on my blog today.) :( Anyway, here is my list of things I could and want to do.

Darth Vader- I'd love to be him- I just don't want to spend $25 on a costume.

The Hairball of Doom- All right, I'm exaggerating on the of doom part, but this costume would be great. I mean, I could wear any color of clothing under my costume. The problem is, it would be REALLY hard to make the costume and I don't think Walmart sells huge halloween hairballs.

A Tyrannasourous- How in the world could I do that one? Yet again, an incompetence at Walmart.

A Giant Baseball Bat- Example of getting candy: "GIVE ME CANDY OR I WILL KNOCK YOU OUT COLD! NO?" WHACK!!!! I'm joking about that.

A Mummy With Evil Red Eyes and a Rotted Smell- That might be possible, BUT, I DON'T think Mom and Dad would appriciate me smelling up the car.

I've been a witch about three times, I've been a stinking red ghoul once, I've been a frog once, and once I was a ghost. (That ghost sheet was used for our bird cover and is covered in poo.)
I know you're know wondering "Why haven't you ever been a princess?" The answer: I don't believe in being beautiful at halloween.
Jason once was a septic tank box. Last year he was a garbage bag ghoul. No kidding!

A Little Bit on Physcology and Goose Brain

This page in my blog desribes the amount of brain the doober-foober goose Loose has.
Loose is, at first glance, a perfectly ordinary goose. Guess again. Loose is literaly afraid of EVERYTHING!!!!!!
This morning Jason took Loose over to the milk parlor. (He does that every morning, although he usually doesn't take Loose.) When I was watering the goats, I decided Loose needed S.T., or Snake Therapy. (It is more like Snake Torture.)
Later, Jason had put Loose on a low roof like thing on the hen pen. We learned then that LOOSE IS AFRAID OF HIS OWN FEATHERS!!!!!!!!!
Here is a poem desribed Loose:
Oh, Loose wants to be good,
But I doubt he ever could.
Oh Looloo Looloo you're so silLY
Your brain is going willy nilly.
Loosey prob'ly thinks Miah's neck is a snake,
He's doesn't have the brain of a drake.
Oh Looloo Looloo you're so silLY
Your brain is going willy nilly.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Keely's Calendar

Special dates:
January 1st: New Year's Day!
Febuary 7th: Just an ordinary day, but I had to put something in for Febuary.
March 8th: Dad's birthday (I think)!
April 29: Mom's birthday!
May 11th?:Sarah's birthday!
June 21st:Summer. Yea/groan!
July 4th: Fourth of July!
August 28th:Aunt Shirley's birthday!
Semtember 5th:Labort day!
October 31st:Halloween. Boo!
October 23rd?:Zoe's birthday!
November 9th:Jason's birthday. BOO!
December 24th-25th:Chrismastime!

August 4th 2005 for Virgos-
You are prone to be typing something into a computer. You are also prone to be bored, anticipating a walk, and wearing a sweater.

Joke for August 4th 2005-
Two blonds walked into a building.
One said "oh, we should have seen that."

Get it? The blonds walked into the wall. (Crash!)
They didn't walk through the door.

Official Joke for August 4th 2005-
Redneck Anthem
You know you're a redneck if you think the last four words of the national anthem are:
"Gentlemen, start your engines!"

Funny and not official joke for August 4th 2005-
Michael Jackson's shnoz-
How does Michael Jackson pick his nose?
Out of a catalog.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Vanners the Little Car and the War

Dear diary,
I am finding my life not at all happy at this stage in my developement. Yesterday, Moon, my foster gardian, took me hear to this boarding school. I learned the reason was 'Moon is in the grand army.' Ha! I bet he was just sick and tired of taking care of me.
Normally I don't mind being at the boarding house, the head car Yellow makes things very enjoyable. However, right now Yeller is taking care of us, and he is a pain in the exhaust-pipe; all he talks about is fortune telling. He talks about the 'clairvoyant vibrations,' along with crystals balls and omens. The excuse for Yellow being absent was that he 'had to help Sergent Poolama carry out orders.'
Today, Yeller is going to give a grand speech on fortune-telling. I dread that so much that I am considering running away to badside. I would be put in the dungeon if I was caught running away, but I do not care. Leaving this terrible place, leaving honor and duty behind, I shall do it if I must.
I hear Yeller coming. He doesn't know about my diary; they are forbidden here, and if they weren't they would certainly be read by the head car.
Vanners closed his diary and put it under his bed as Cat the 'italian' car drove in.
"Signor Yeller would like Bambini Vanners to attend his meeting."Cat said.
Cat fainted.
Snarling, Vanners drove to assembly room. Yeller had just started his speech.
"As we know, everyone," Yeller yelled." The clairvoyant vibrations aide us in crystal telling. You must be very quiet to keep them in the air." he continued, speaking still louder,"I AM GOING TO PREDICT SOMETHING!!!"he started staring into a huge white marble,"CRYSTAL BALL, WHO WILL BE THE KING OF BADSIDE AFTER THE WAR? BUGGIN SHALL BE KING AND THERE WILL BE PEACE AND PROSPERITY IN ALL THE LANDS!!!!!!!"
The cars clapped.
"COME UP HERE, VANNERS."Vanners drove up to the podium and Yeller dropped the ball on his roof, crumpling the metal."CRYSTAL BALL, WILL MY CRYSTAL BALL BE WHOLE FOREVER? YES, MY CRYSTAL BALL SAYS YE-"
Vanners drove as fast as he possibly could off the podium. There were gasps as he barrelled through several cars, broke the ball, and went up to 150mph. He crashed through the door, leaving a huge hole in it, and zoomed up to his room and past Cat, who had just fainted.
As soon as Vanners got into his room he locked his door and shoved his bed against that.
Dear diary,
I am seriously thinking about turning Badcar after this war. Yeller made me so mad-"
Vanners wrote on for a long time after that. He never saw Klagbag throw two sticks of dynamite at his wall, and suddenly, he was sitting on a blackened couch in the living room and bricks and wood was raining down on him.
to be continued...

Weapon report

Beeper's house:
Baloonga shooters:5
Land mines:53
Machine guns:7
Pistols, snipers, and other guns:16
Rocket lauchers, guided missle launchers, and heat seaking missle launchers:9
Ammunition for R.L., G.M.L., and H.S.M.L.:754
King Beeper badcar

All other cars:
Baloonga shooters:51
Land mines:250
Machine guns:97
Pistols, snipers, and other guns:34
Rocket launchers, guided missle launchers, and heat seaking missle launchers:4
Ammunition for R.L., G.M.L., and H.S.M.L.: 23
King Beeper Badcar

King's house:
Baloonga shooters:5
Land mines:11
Machine guns:5
Pistols, Snipers and other guns:5
Bullets:1, 703
Rocket launchers, guided missle launchers, and heat seaking missle launchers:5
Ammunition for R.L., G.M.L., and H.S.M.L.:91

All other cars:
Balloonga shooters:20
Land mines:7
Machine guns:52
Pistols, snipers and other guns:4
Rocket launchers, guided missle launchers, and heat seaking missle launchers:1
Ammunition for R.L., G.M.L., and H.S.M.L.:0

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The Deranged Duck

Malfoy, head of the BAD society, or the Breed A Duck, rapped his beak on a stick.
"Attention!" he quacked,"As we all know, the hens have just been let out. Here are the hens each of us will breed. Sweetheart, you breed Eerie. Musket gets Tippy, Shmit gets Badora, and Smut gets Puh-uh. I get Blackie, Purple, Buffy, Lavender, Jumper, Wasp, Quacker, and Booboo."
"Hey!" shouted Musket,"That's no fair!"
"Hear hear!"
There was a great amount of shouting over fair and 'I should be the leader' and 'uh-oh, here comes King.'
Malfoy swaggered over to King Konk and, with an impudent grin, said,"Hi King. Wanna breed hens? Or maybe you could let us breed Comet."
King, who was in a VERY bad mood, basically blew up.
"Don't,"he said, whacking Malfoy with his wings with every word," EVER-LET-ME-HEAR-YOU-SAYING-THAT- EVER-AGAIN!!!! COMET-IS-MY-MATE -AND-I-WILL-BREED- HER-AND-NO- STINKING-DUCK-EVER-WILL-TOUCH-HER!!!!!!!! DO- I-MAKE-MYSELF-CLEAR?!!!!!!!"
"Yes, your holiness. You make yourself as clear as fresh poo-poo."
With that, King bonged Malfoy on the head and threw him straight at Musket.
"SQUOWK!" Musket squealed.
Some time later, Malfoy woke up. He felt awful and bruised and his head was hurting tremendously.
"Lollipop. Me need lollipop. Juice. Ketchup. Duck Meat. Me goona eat King." Malfoy yelled.
"I beg you pardon." A polite Loose-like voice said.
"Loose? Gimme water."
"Yes, this is Loose. I've got some bottled water right here."
"Gimme. How get it?"
"Oh, there was a man who dropped this bottle on the ground and I dragged it over here." Loose said truthfully.
"Fine. Gimme." Malfoy said, dumping the drink down his throat. The drink burned like fire. Malfoy had the impression of the world turning over and suddenly his brain felt fuzzy.
"Wazza madder?"Malfoy asked."Mez gidding a bat feeding aboud thiz."
Malfoy walked unsteadily towards the gate before he copllasped. "Me headz bloing ub."
For the next half an hour Malfoy sat in the gate, muttering things like 'bozzer dat Loo gooz' 'me need a nappy' 'whoz zat' and other phrases.
Suddenly, Malfoy heard a yell. The boy was coming to get a goose and his bike was inches away from flattening Malfoy.
"Helb." Malfoy croaked.
The boy stopped the bike just a second before Malfoy would have been squashed. Then he picked Malfoy up.
"Led me go. Me hasn't done nuffin. I sayd, let me go cuz me ain't appy bout thid. lllet mu-me g-go."
The boy sighed. "Alcohol. I'll have to get you a cure."
He dumped the retched duck in a tiny little pen and went back into the house.
"Hey,"Malfoy muttered," This in't nice. Led me owda here. Me'll murder ya if ya wain't."
to be continued...

Thursday, July 21, 2005


My brother is

My Brother 2

My brother is going to blow a nerve if he stays like he is. Today, I went out to chores at 5:49. I saw my brother go into the goose pen at 6:10. I went in at about 6:35. Jason went in at about 6:50.
Now Jason is mad at me because I 'snuck in and left me with half an hour of chores.' Yeah right. Jason came out as he says 'five minutes after I did.' If so, it must take an awful long time to get a goose.
Another thing is the 'I snuck in' part. I'd done what I do in chores, all my tasks, and then I asked Dad if there was anything else for me to do. Dad said he thought that was about it, I asked if I could go in, and Dad said yes.
Then I went in. Jason might not have seen me go in, but is it a crime not to go in without telling Jason first?
Now that I'm in Jason is calling me 'Miss Liar' 'filthy lying girl' 'dirty rotten lying girl' and a lot of other things.
I DON'T think I didn't do all my chores. Jason got out later than me so obviously he would be finishing chores later than me.
Dad has said it's not good for your blood pressure to get mad all the time and I believe that. At the rate Jason gets mad at he is going to explode.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Computer Designed

o o
l l
/l\ /l l l
/ \ / / \ / These people were very hard to make and are very hard to fix.
They are all very fragile,
They couldn't say mile.
They're very hard to fix,
They look like a mix,
Of ls and os and slashes,
They look like they've been in crashes.
They aren't male of female,
They don't have a tail.
And they don't talk and they don't think,
And they never have to drink.
They never've seen a bumblebee,
And they can't breathe or even see.

Beeper's bad day

Beeper woke up one hot July morning, feeling pretty good. He drove out of bed, went to the kitchen, and started eating an extravegant breakfast of wood pie.
Just then, the phone rang.
"Hello." Beeper said.
"Hello, this is Apple. We have prime quality windshields, tires, exhaust pi-"
Beeper grunted and returned to his pie. He was enjoying it immensely until he bit into a bolt.
Ring. RIng. Ring.
Beeper picked up the phone. "Hello." he growled.
"Hi, this is Klagbag."The car said in a Gold-like voice," I've been caught by that thug Sinder and I've been put in the badcar jail and I was wonde-"
"Number one, you sound like GOLD. Number two, Gold isn't Klagbag. Number three, there aren't phones in jails. Number four, there isn't a jail in badside. Number five, Klagbag would get himself out of jail, without screaming for help like the sissy goodcar Gold is!"
Beeper went back to his pie. He had been sitting in his chair for approximately two seconds before the phone rang.
"HELLO!!!!"Beeper yelled into the receiver.
"Hello Beeper, this is Skeeper. I was wondering if you would like to come over to my dinner party toni-"
Growling about 'polite' Goodcars, Beeper returned to his chair. He had just sat down when-
Ring. Ring.
"Hello!" Beeper bellowed at the top of his voice."WHAT DO YOU WANT?!"
"Hello, this is Bop. I am invi-"
Beeper returned to his now cold pie and started eating.
Ring. Ring.
Snarling, Beeper skidded over to his phone, grabbed it, and, after saying a huge multitude of the worse swear words into the receiver, chucked it straight into his case of medals.
After eating, Beeper went into his TV room and inserted the Goodcar Shooter disk into his game system.
Beeper decided on explosives for his weapon and the game started. Beeper drove over to the goodcars base and went inside. He picked up a missle launcher and a grenade shooter when he was on the balcony of the base and started shooting.
SHKOOZ! SHKOOZ! Beeper fired two missles and hit two cars. He was in the middle of cheering when the words 'Killed Teammates' appeared on his screen.
Beeper swore.
Half an hour later, Beeper's score was 50 kills and Skeeper's score was 125 kills.
Beeper swore and threw the TV out his wall.
At about 5 that evening Beeper came home to find a little car in his cupboard, eating up all his wood.
Beeper was in a very bad mood.
He grabbed the little car, stuffed it into a bowl full of cake batter and put the bowl in the oven.
About ten minutes later, something hit Beeper. Beeper's loaded machine gun was exploding, spraying bullets everywhere.
"OW! OW! OW!!!!" Beeper yelled.
Beeper started to run for his bedroom but suddenly realized that he couldn't because three of his tires were puntured.
Finally the bullets stopped flying. Perfect, thought Beeper. Suddenly there was a huge KABOOM!!!!!
Beeper distincly remembered overloading his oven heat and he fervently hoped that his oven hadn't exploded. He looked behind himself in horror. His oven had exploded, and, worse yet, it had started a small fire.
"HELP!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOMEBODY, GET OVER HERE!!!!!"Beeper screamed.
After about half an hour, when Beeper's tires had been melted, his kitchen had burnt down, and his computer, TV, and gamecars had fried to black pieces of junk, Sinder arrived.
Beeper later heard that Sinder had wondered what the bright light was, and when he got over to Beeper's house he had laughed and drove away, after telling Dung Beatle about the fire. It also turned out that Dung Beattle had started the fire in hopes of turning king. A bit later Klagbag had come over to visit Beeper and had promptly called the fire department.
The outcome of the fire was that Sinder's house was spotted burning on a late Saturday evening. Dung Beatle was thrown in jail, after having his exhaust pipe clogged up. Klagbag earned a cart full of Skeeper's land mines from Beeper. Beeper, after getting repaired, threw all his neighbors in jail for not calling the fire department, and although they all said they were asleep, they really were laughing their heads off because they loved stealing from Klagbag.

My favorite Harry Potter Books


I like all the Harry Potter books. However I like some more than others. This is my list of favorite ones in order from most like, (for me) and least liked (for me.)

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Likes: I WILL NOT TELL!!!!!
Dislikes: I WILL NOT TELL!!!!!

Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone
Likes: I think the beginning is good and there's some humor in it.
Dislikes: The end. (Have you noticed I don't like the ends of all the books except for #6?)

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Likes: Harry/Sirius.
Dislikes: Pettigriew getting away.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phienowx- Fenux- Phoenix
Likes: The new people.
Dislikes: Umbridge.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Likes: The part where Voldemort returns- sort of.
Dislikes: The underwater task.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Likes: Now that I think of it- I kind of like the end- serves Riddle right.
Dislikes: People getting frozen.

These things I sort of dislike- but I think the order I like them is correct.

If you don't want to hear which chapters I like most in book 6, don't read on.

My favorite chapters were chapters 23 and 26.


Thursday, July 14, 2005

New Words, Body Phrases and knock knock jokes

Shmitsophrenic-a scitsoohrenic duck.

Snowflake nose he's silly.

I will boot this system up.

Don't leg behind.

Drink some punch.

Eye no you're here.

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Raven who?
Raven lunatic who wants to knock your door down!

Knock, knock.
Who there?
Cow go.
Cow go who?
No, cow go moo

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Police who?
Po-lice open the door!

Knock, knock.
Who's there.
IBM who?
IBM. Who be you?

Knock, Knock.
Who's there?
Wire who?
Wire you asking me that again. I just told you!

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Boo hoo?
I'm sorry. Why are you crying?


Interview with DungBeetle

What is your least favorite nickname?
It depends. I have to say DingBriddle, but DungFace is pretty bad.
What is your greatest desire?
My greatest desire is to become King of Badside. My longest recorded king time was 7.5 minutes.
What do you think of Skeeper going to war with Badside?
I think that I don't really mind as long as I can sieze the throne.
What is your proudest body feature?
The ability to squirt dung is by far the greatest.
What was your most embarrasing moment?
The time when I squirted dung on Buggin instead of Beeper. Although, judging to the fact that Beeper's punishment on me would be awful, it might be a blessing that I missed.

Bad Beak

Snowflake the Pilgrim Gander is standing on really thin ground. Whenever you pick him up he bites you. Not just a pinch, a bite that results in a welt and curses.
If Snowflake does not shape up quickly, he is going to lack a head this fall.
Of course, we had to do something to stop Snowflake from biting us. Which bring us to...

Today was awful from midnight on. I had dreams where I was just about to eat a huge feast and then a monster devoured me. And my last dream was where my head was chopped off and then I started flopping around before I dropped on the ground, dead.
When finally woke up I saw the human girl walk into the goose pen. She thought for a moment and then started jogging towards me.
"Oh darn it. Time to sharpen up my biters."
"You know, Snowflake," the girl said," if you keep biting everybody, we're going to have to butcher you this fall."
"That means you'll be dead. No food, no grass, no life. YOU WON'T EVEN HAVE YOUR HEAD!!!!!"
The girl starts chasing me. After about ten minutes I sure I have won, that I won't get caught, but then the boy comes out.
OH NO!!!!! NOT GOOD!!!!!
Right now I am standing with a few other geese by the straw barn.
The boy comes into the pen on his two wheeled contraption.
"Jason, would you help me catch Snowflake?"
"You sure you want him?"
So the boy helps catch me and needless to say I am caught.
I promptly bite the girl on the arm.
Then I bite the boy. I instantly realize that was a VERY bad idea. The girl grabs me and puts me in the stinky straw barn, saying word that don't comfort me.
After a minute or two the boy comes back with a peice of duck tape on his finger.
The boy proceeds to tape my beak shut. What an indignity!
The girl takes me up in her arms and walks over to the bikes. She and the boy start talking about trading me. What am I, a playing card?
After the boy catches Snowball for the girl, he goes over to the milk parlor. I spend the rest of the morning feeling extremely humiliated.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Once there was a girl named Lizzy Jane,
Who had quite a lot of brain.
There was one subject in school,
Which she happened to hate, as a general rule.
When the spelling teaching taught the pupils how to spell 'talk',
Lizzy Jane would wish she could take a walk.
Once spelling even gave her the flu,
And her Mom had to feed her an awful brew.
So read this closely and take heed,
Spelling is something you DO NOT need.

Coded Message

HINT:`12=o Five spaces between numbers means that there is the next word. 27=. 28=, 29=!
Message: 8 12 14 22 7 18 14 22 8 25 15 12 20 20 22 9 23 9 18 5 22 8 14 22 13 6 7 8 29
26 15 8 12 28 4 19 22 13 7 19 22 13 22 3 7 15 18 5 22 7 22 15 22 14 26 9 16 22 7 22 9
24 26 15 15 8 28 8 26 2 25 15 26 25 15 26.

Or say 'you have performed an illegal act. I am calling the police now,' or 'welcome to centenial theatres. We are playing 'snowboard' and fat albert' now.


If you have read my post 'Car Books and Items,' then you will know that this book was written by Pickles, a badcar. Now one day Imp went to the library. He saw that Pickles's book had been checked out ten times. His book had never been checked out. So Imp rearanged the pages in 'Pickles' and went home. The book had read like this:
Pickles by Pickles
Pickles are tasty. They are also green. Pickles are of various sizes. They are easy to grow and make. You can live on pickles for a year with help from Skeeper's midnight snacks. Pickles are probably healthy. They are not healthy if the have exhaust fumes on them.
Pickles has a pickle store in Badside.
'Interesting!'- Bop
'I would eat this book if it wasn't plastisized.'- Sinder

Now the book reads:
Pickles by Pickles
fumes on them.
Pickles has a pickle store in Badside
'Interesting!'- Bop
'I would eat this book if it wasn't plastisized.'-Sinder
Pickles are tasty. They are also green. Pickles are of various sizes. They are easy to grow and make. You can live on pickles for a year with help from Skeeper's midnight snakcks. Pickles are probably heathly. They are not heathly if they have exhaust

Verse #1 of America the Beautiful by Katherhonk Lee Birds

Oh beautiful for spacious lakes,
For amber waves of grain,
For delicious mud cakes,
On thy fruited plains.

America, America, God shed his grass on honkbags,
And soothe our pain,
With drunken grain,
From bag to shining bag.
-Painfully edited by me

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Interview with Beeper

What is your greatest joy in life?
My greatest joy is the memory of when I kicked Skeeper off his throne, put him in jail with all his friends and became Emporor. I wish I could have stayed Emporor.
What was your most embarrasing moment?
I was SO mortified when I was in boot camp. I was supposed to shoot the hostage goodcar, but instead I shot my nose.
What do you think of Skeeper going to war with you?
I think Skeeper is very stupid doing this. Skeeper should do something less dangerous, like collect stamps.
Which goodcar do you admire most?
None of them. I THOUGHT you knew that.
What would you do if you were not the king of Badside?
I would go and steal the king's place and turn king myself. DUH!!!!!!
Do you know French?
What did you think? Helo-o. I'm a BADCAR.
Do you go to school?
I have been forced to go to school. However, I am not in the classroom after 5 minutes and the teacher usually has a desk up his STUPID nose.
What are your best three tips on how to gain power?
1. Don't pity others.
2. Stock up on weapons of mass destruction. (Examples: atomic bombs, homing rockets, bombs, rifles), and nobody will dare disobey you.
3. Have theatre shows each month and have stupid cars like Baddy Mail be with you. Say something like "You sure are stupid." When the car disagrees, pump him full of bullets to show you have no mercy to those who disagree with you. After the car is full of bullets tell him he is stupid, and if he says he isn't pump him even fuller of bullets. If he still disagrees after 5 more shootings, recycle him.


The people are posters,
The goats are all boasters.
We've never heard of patterns or checks,
The milk that we get is measured in pecks.
We need a soft padded room,
Or else our brains shall go BBBBOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!

Athena's Eye

This morning as I was watering the geese, I noticed that Athena's eye looked gross. It was mostly closed, with some white foam on it. (No, her eye does NOT have rabies.) Athena can see fine out of her right eye, and I am suspecting that she poked the left one on the fence.
This is not the first eye problem we have had with the geese. Aphrodite, (on the day she died), had been lying against the dirty wall of the brooder. I think she got crud in her eye.
Also, Smut has had an eye problem. His eye got white foam in it, too, and I am NOT sure if he can still see out of that eye. But, who cares? Smut is just a little duck, not a goose or a swan.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


I have a VERY sore mouth right now. Last night Dad helped me get a loose tooth out. The tooth has been in my mouth for at least 6 months!!!!!!!!!
My gum is still hurting. And I only got $0.50 for it.
Once when I had a loose tooth we lost when I was rinsing my mouth out. I don't know how much money would have got if I hadn't lost the tooth. I think the longer your tooth stays in you mouth the less money you get. It could also be: You get more money if you get the tooth out yourself.
I got the tooth before this one out myself, I got good money for it, and that was my first loose molar.
I now think I have another loose molar!
I only have one more i-tooth to get rid of!

Tyranny and Terror

Beeper was extremely exited. Here was the day he had been waiting for for so long! Beeper was going to go into Goodside, knock out Skeeper, and throw him and all his followers into jail. The plan seemed so simple. With Skeeper out of the way, Beeper could claim the goodcar throne and become emperor!
Beeper drove over to his weapon bin. He selected his best baloonga shooter, along with 15 traquilizer darts, a buzz saw, 10 land mines and a smoke bomb. After eating a quick wood 'n hamburger burger at the burger king in Goodside, Beeper drove to Skeeper's house.
Beeper crept into Skeeper's house from an open window. Skeeper was home, Beeper decided, because there was a loud voice blabbing on the phone.
"Yes, do come here, Bop," said Skeeper's voice. "My inner circle is going to meet here in half and hour, so if you could come over now that would be nice. Okay? Bye."
Beeper grinned. In less than an hour he would be emporor.
In half an hour Beeper had hid in the pantry in Skeeper's kitchen and Moon, Gold, Bop, Goody Cop, Smart and a lot of other cars were at Skeeper's kitchen table, along with Skeeper.
As the cars started talking about the new police station, Beeper snuck out of the pantry. Then Beeper threw his smoke bomb at the table. The room quickly filled up with Beeper's favorite green smoke. Then Beeper shot baloonga shots at the cars. About 1/4 of the cars flew in the air and landed in a heap in Skeeper's beautiful cherry cake.
While this was going on, Skeeper pressed a green button a little remote. 12 bodyguards opened the door of the kitchen and drove in.
Beeper immidiately realized the tables had turned. Each guard had a baloonga shooter and a bomb with them. Beeper hurried out of his spot next to P9 and went to the window. And then the guards shot.

Beeper woke up in Dung Beetle's house, feeling sore. He looked down at himself and saw hundreds of bullet holes on himself. Beeper drove out of the house and went to his mansion. Then he nearly fainted. This was much worse than DungBeetle taking his throne or not being able to call burger king booger king.
A banner pasted on the house said 'ALL HAIL KING SINDER.'

to be continuded in September...

Thursday, June 30, 2005

I hate drakes

I hate drakes,
They've got the brain of a garden rake.
Their breeders come out,
I know without doubt.
I hate Sweetheart,
He's got the brain of a cart.
I hate Molfoy,
He's got the brain of a tolfoy.
I hate Smut,
He's got the brain of a nut.
I hate Musket,
He's got the brain of a pusket.
I hate Shmit,
He's got the brain of a git.
I hate all our male ducks,
Especially Molfoy, who sucks.

Exerpts from a book I REALLY like

These exerpts are from a book called GAMES YOU CAN PLAY WITH YOUR PUSSY. It is really funny. Here are my favorite parts:
Pussy poo-poo is the most unpleasant thing about having a pussy. It goes in as tuna and cream, but it comes out as something that's responsible for a lot of air freshener being sold.
But poo-poo is one of those unpleasant facts of life, like taxes and leisure suits, so you're just going to have to learn to deal with it.
Dealing with it: One thing about cats. They are creatures of habit. If a cat makes a poo-poo in a corner once, it will make poo-poos there for the rest of it's life. So make sure your pussy starts poo-pooing where you want it to poo-poo, and not, say, in your loafers. Otherwise, you will spend a lot of time washing your socks.
Now, once your pussy starts too poo-poo, you'll want to put something under it to poo-poo in. Which brings us to...
The litter box: Litter boxes come in two sizes. Too small and too large. The ones that are too small force your pussy to make poo-poo and wee-wee over the sides of the box, thereby negating the box's worth. The ones that are too large look empty unless they have 25 pounds of litter in them, thereby making your litter bill equivilent to your weekly food bill.
Littter boxes are made from three materials: plastic, which costs a whole lot more than you can imagine; cardboard, which sags when it get wet; and foil, which pussies like to rip up so any excess fluids can escape. None solve the worse problem of the smell.
The smell: There is nothing you can do about the smell. You can put baking soda in the litter if you want to find little white pussy tracks all over your house. You can try to build an enclosure over the top of the litter box and thereby release all the smell at once every time you change the litter. You can even try putting perfume in your pussy's food. It won't work either. Just resign yourself to the fact that you can never have guests in your home again.
When to change the litter: Since you yourself will have long lost your own sense of smell, you should look for indications for when it's time to change the litter. Are insects dropping from the air? Is your pussy spnding a lot of time with it's legs crossed because it's to disgusted to go in there? Have they tacked a "quarantined" sign to the side of your house?
Alternitives: Teach your pussy to use the toilet. You use the toilet at the gas station.
Have your pussy surgically altered so it never makes poo-poo, then watch it blow up like a balloon.

What pussy owner has never recieved a gift from his pussy? Like a dead moth or a gnarled flower. Or a half-eaten mouse. Or the stuffing from your favorite chair.
Perhaps you never considered these things to be gifts, just pussy yucch. But think for a moment. When a pussy wants to express feelings of affection for it's owner, it can't whip out a Mastercharge and run down to Saks. It must rely on the resources of its own cunning. So a dead mouse on your doorstep saysm "I love you." Unless you have a Sicilian pussy. Then it means, "Say you prayers, fetticini fact."
In truth, most people are puzzled by pussy gifts. They don't know what to make of them.
Here is a list of things your pussy is likely to bring you and what they mean.
A dead mouse- 1. I love you. 2. I hope you find this in the morning after a greasy breakfast cause I love to watch you throw up.
A dead bird- 1. Catching a bird is a feat of great prowess. I did it for you because I love you. 2. I found this in the street. Throw it away, will you, old man? The smell is making me nauseous.
Stuffing from your favorite chair- 1. I opened a new present for you. And there's more from where that came from. I love you. 2. Look what I found. I tried to put it back, but I couldn't. Why don't you stuff it?
A dead dog- 1. I am mighty and will protect you from intruders. I love you. 2. I fixed old Bowser's ass. And I can fix your's, too. Remember that the next time you're to tired to get up and let me out in the middle of the night.
A dead mailman- 1. Whoops. 2. Whoops.


Street shoes are okay, but many prefer to play wearing hush-puppies. Of course, considering the object of the game, your pussy may prefer not to play at all.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Duck Death
The chopping block's ready
The ax is all sharp,
Soon these stupid drakes will be deady.
The wathcers are by the old tarp.

We grab Beetheart,
Out of the cart.
Say goodbye to life,
Get rid of your strife.

Down comes the ax,
Beetheart now quacks,
The head, off comes it,
Ah, death, you zit.

Off comes the head,
The duck is now dead,
Goodbye you loony,
You stupid ol' moony.

Car books and items

I have written tiny car 'books.' (Cars as in badcars. Go to my brother's blog at sootcentral.blogspot.com to learn more about badcars.) The books are very short. Here are a few 'books' I have wrote.
Foods to Avoid by the hospital
Introduction If you care about health, do not eat these foods.
MOCOCO Mococo is bad for your brain. Certain cars have suspicions that mococo was made from chemicals.
SMILE CANDY Smile candy has too much sugar and lots of addictives in it. Smile candy makes you very fat.
PLASTISIZED BOOKS Plastic is unhealthy for your body. If you eat plastic you should take an unsick pill.
BACON FAT Bacon fat makes you very fat. It also clogs the thinking track. Fortunantely, bacon fat is rare.
POTATO SKINS Potato skins have dirt on them and it is not good to have dirt in your body.

ABOUT THE HOSPITAL The hospital is in goodside.



Mococo is a good beverage. It has a whole lot of uses. It is a good stain-remover. However, it's taste is even better. I strongly recommend it. For more information on Mococo, go to ggg.mococo.good.

Mococo is, of course, a very bad substance. It has strange effects. Mococo has coffee in it, but at the same time it is trying to make you go asleep.
Imp made mococo and he ripped up The Truth of Mococo because it strongly urges you not to drink mococo. He also burned all the fish tails in town up, because fish tails cure you of mococo poisoning..
Mococo made many cars fat, and since it has addictives in it, he made a fortune off all the $10 cans.


Thursday, June 23, 2005

...and Tuesday was murder...

Tuesday was T-R-U-L-Y murder. It was very hot, and we were driving in Montana and later Sheridan.
I honestly felt I was dying from the heat. (Partly because the car we were in doesn't have air conditioning.)
I WAS NEVER SO MISERABLE IN MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When we got back to Sheridan we went to Jay and I's music lesson. HOT!!!
Then we went to Valley Motor Honda. HOTTER!!!!
Then we went to the feedstore. HOTTEST!!!!!!!!!!
I WAS SO MISERABLE ON TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The mystery of 'Cinderella' and 'Sleeping Beauty'

Once upon a time there was fairly pretty girl named Milicent. Milicent was kind, and had dyded pink hair and clear blue eyes. One night Milicent realized her Daddy was going to marry the next morning.
The woman he was going to marry was a mean, beautiful woman named Abigail. She had two beautiful, mean daughters named Georgina and Yvonne.
A few nights after the marriage, Millicent went into her Dad's room and found him lying on the floor, dead.
Upon closer inspection, Millicent saw Abigail's gold necklace on the floor. She also found Yvonne's long length of string on the bed.
It turned out that her Dad had been strangled.
When she walked down the stairs to Yvonne and Gorgina and Abigail, their actions were immidiate after Millicent told them that there had been a tragic accident upstairs.
Abigail turned pale, Gorgina dropped her cup of coffee, and Yvonne asked how Millicent's dad had been killed.

Who killed Millicent's Dad?

Sleeping Beauty
Once their was a King and Queen who had a pretty baby girl. They named their girl Mrose, a 'greek' word for different.
Then the King and Queen invited all the 12 fairies to dinner.
Unfortunately, their Royal Highnesses had forgotten about the 13th fairy.
All thirteen fairies came to the party and gave their gifts.
"I will give this girl the abilty to change into any animal at will." said Mary.
"I will give her the gift of never getting false teeth," said the tooth fairy.
Said Laura "She shall never, ever, get very, very hairy."
Said the midsummer eve fairy "Her love for summer shall never vary."
The other fairies gave gift of jewels, spinning spools, mules, schools, dogs, hogs, pogs, and bogs.
Then fairy 13 stepped forward and said,
"A hunter shall find her and strike her dead.
One of these girls gifts shall assist her death."
And so, with that, the fairy left.

Whose gift will kill Mrose?

Yvonne kiiled Millicent's Dad Ron. If she had not killed Ron, she would not have known that the tragic accident was centered around the death of Ron.

Mary's gift will kill Mrose. Since a hunter will kill Mrose, it is likely that she will turn into a deer at the time of her death.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Wedding from a Goose's Point of Veiw

In this story, Loose has been mated to Sparky and has fathered 4 goslings. King occasionaly would sneak off to bed with Athena, while his mate Comet sat on her nest.
"I am so looking forward to this wedding," I think. I don't have enough time to think anymore, because Meesa dashes in my room, holding a papered bundle of something-or-other.
"Get up, Athena," Meesa snaps," Loose is waiting for you, and the wedding begins in half an hour."
I stand up, groaning, because I have a feeling I know what is in that bundle. Sure enough, it contains a wedding dress. The state of the dress knocks me senseless. The chest part has mud caked on it, and the holes where a bird's wings stick out are way too big. The dress once was a black, red, green and blue thing, which would have been bad enough, but the colors clash with my dark brown feathers.
"I know this dress isn't very pretty, but it's the only thing Comet would lend me." Meesa is saying.
"Comet wore that dress??!!!!!" I screech.
"Yes. Now, I'm going to put it on you."
For the next half an hour Meesa puts the dress on me, pulling out at least a dozen feathers as she goes.
Finally, I am ready to go out and get married.
"Now Athena," Meesa says, pulling on a white and black dress," Remember to say 'I will always be married to Loose, in sickness and in honk' and you'll be fine."
"Yes Meesa."
As I walk out into the marrying place, I hear music. BOOM BAM BAMETY BAM. BAM BAM BAM BOOMETY. BOOM BOOM BOOMETY BOOM BAM BAM BAMETY. Not a pretty sound.
As I see who is going to be marrying us, I almost have a heart attack.
Queen is holding the book 'A Honk to Love', has plastered a purple suit on himself, and he has also taped an enornmous black mustache to his beak.
"We now gather in this sacred place to witness the marriage of Loose De Honkardi and Athena La Corncob." Queen begins." Loose, do you promise to marry Athena and care for her in sickness and in honk?"
I catch sight of King and Sparky looking ready pounce at Loose...
"Athena, do you wanna marry Loose? Hurry up, I gotta go to the bathroom."
"I w-will always be maried to Loose, in s-s-s-s-sickness and in ho-"
King and Sparky suddenly jump out at Loose, clobbering him with great blows of their wings.
I take one look at Loose, and then start to cry.


Yesterday the heat was over 90 degrees at five o'clock! Today it is supposed to get to 93 degrees!!!!
This heat is driving me crazy. Yesterday (and today) I was and am wearing my coolest outfit. I'm not hot today yet, but I DON'T think I'll be feeling cool by the end of the day.
By the end of the day I will have spent at least 8 hours on school, 2 1/2 hours on chores, 1 1/2 hours of music, 1 hour on library and other things time, 1/2 hour driving home from Sheridan, and 1 hour on eating. I also have spent about 8 hours of sleep.
Tuesdays are no fun usually. Today this Tuesday will be MURDER!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

IQ Test

This test tests your ability to recognize true things from false things, your knowlege on geese, and your knowlege on a few different animals.

1. The goose Queen up here is A. Female or B. Male.

2. True or False: Pilgrim geese ganders sometimes have more than one mate.

3. Panda Bears never: A. drink, B. stink, or C.think.

4. True or False: My name is spelled Keeley.

5. My brother is in my opinion: A. A total idiot, B. The nicest boy on earth, or C. An egghead.

6. True or false: Machu Pichu is in California.

7. I hate the book: A. Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back, B. Bunnicula, C. Hitty, Her First Hundred Years.

8. True or false: Jason kissed me last night.

9. Rinoserous's horns are made out of A. Bone B. Hair C. Straw

10. True or false: I hate Star Wars.

11. I don't want to see the movie A. Revenge of the Sith B. The Phantom of the Opera, or C. Fat Albert.

!2. I A. do B. don't play music.

13. True or False: I am six years old and am tapping into my brothers blog.

14. True or false: The names of the Baudelaires and the Count are Veronica, Klyde, and Sally and Count Omar.

15. True or False: You cheated on this test.

Scroll Down This Page


1. B.

2. True

3. A.

4. False

5. A.

6. False

7. C.

8. False

9. B.

10. False

11. C.

12. A.

13. False

14. False

15. Your Answer

If you got 10-15 answers right, then you are classified Smart.

If you got 5-10 answers right, then you are classified Normal.

If you got 0-5 answers right, then, sadly, you are not very smart.

If you cheated, then you are very stupid.

If you think I downloaded this off something, you deserve fluff rather than a brain.

If you are offended by this, write a comment saying 'I AM NOT STUPID' or realize I am NOT trying to offend you.