Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Yes, Sheep DID Know Latin

Just a few funny names in Sheep Latin that I thought you would enjoy:
Arasol Nnaol Urrelbol
Eelykol Aemol Ltionool
Oezol Aldronwol Ullengersol
Evonadol Aykol Agelnol
Aymondrol Eorgegol Ltionool
Asonjol Incentvol Ltionool
Ileyrol Osephjol Yanrol
Now here are those same names. However, they are slightly altered to be funnier. LOL
Aerasol Noal Urrelabol
Eelykmal Aemol Lotionool
Oezoneol Aldronwol Ullengersol
Avonadol Aykol Angelnol
Aymondayroll Gorgegol Lilliputionpool
Asonjolly Incentivol Lationool
Iryelerol Oshephardjol Yamroll
Harleysole Aykoldacorn Armorfoil
Ausedlineofpolls Aykolled Lateirondrool
For you bright souls, here is a puzzle for you.
Ihol llaol ouyol reatgol eoplepl. Fiol ouryol amenol siol Evonadol Agelnol ouyol reaol aol reakingfol nnoyingaol ersonpol. Fiol ouryol amenol siol Evonadol Agelnol ouyol reaol aol eallyrol, eallyrol adbol wearsol ordwol ndaol Iol atehol ouyol. Ustjol orfol ouryol nformationiol.
Uhbol yebol, alyol!!!!!!

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